
While the word has multiple connotations, in Ancient Greek the word ethnos meant tribe, nation, or something like, “a band of people living together.” For us, the name ethno. refers to the latter. A collection of people, voices, art, perspective, all housed under one roof.

We conceived of the brand as a way to showcase local stories and experiences that we felt could speak to our audience in relevant and meaningful ways. We launched in early 2020, our goal being to produce original content that offered a unique perspective on individuals from within our communities.

In as much as ethno. was founded as a way to artistically document real-life people and their stories within our community, so too we thought it could act as a mirror — held up to the city to reflect the culture and citizenry within.

As humans we create, we communicate, we gather, we love, we build. We eat and we drink and laugh and dream and go to movies and concerts and read and write books. To our knowledge, we are the only species to do such things at such granular and magnificent degrees, and seemingly the only one to reflect and contemplate it all together.

Some of the stories you’ll hear from us you may be aware of, some likely not. Some you may find amusing, some perhaps you will not appreciate. But this is what offers complexion to society. Variety. Different angles, points of view, ways to make you think.

Traditional journalism will offer up a story with little to no degree of subjectivity — no omniscient voice to sway you one way or the other. (For the most part). But, as you’re given some creative freedom to tell someone’s story, naturally you begin to straddle a fine line between objectivity and subjectivity…

But this is what entices us.

It does not entice us to disseminate the news or to offer objectivity in its entirety. It is not to remind you of parade dates and upcoming concerts, or to compare the city’s best restaurants. Nor is it to provide updates on breaking events or publish political op-eds.

It does interest us, however, to tell the stories that we feel are relevant and important to us and to our community. And in turn, if executed thoughtfully enough, will offer a perspective you too will find as intriguing as we do.

While our brand is very much in its infancy and our actions and intentions likely to fluctuate, this much can be said with certainty about us — we care about the people in our community that everyday endeavour to offer something of value to their neighbours.

Perhaps it’s an anecdote. Maybe it’s a song. Could be a pastry.

If your intention is to instil some semblance of colour and character into our lives, we fuck with you.